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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1  Wife, Unknown (I25833)
2  Remington, Ruth J. (I11468)
3 "A division was made, 25 July 1771, by Robert, John, Nathaniel, and Benjamin Easterbrooke, yeomen, of Warren, Elizabeth, widow of Benjamin Cranston, Rachel, widow of Mathew Remington, Sarah, widow of William Lewin, and Mary, wife of Isaac Chase, all children of Thomas Easterbrooke, late of Swanzey, deceased, and also heirs of William Easterbrooke, their brother, of that part of the real estate of their father which was set off to their mother, Elizabeth, deceased." (Warren Deeds, Vol. 2, p. 328; info source: Genealogies of RI Families, Vol. I, p. 446, Family Tree Maker CD 180) Estabrook, Rachel (I05033)
4 "A longtime resident of Laguna Beach, Steen Jensen started his fire service career in 1981 as a volunteer firefighter in Orange County. In 1983, he became a fulltime firefighter with the Laguna Beach Fire Department. He quickly became a firefighter/paramedic and subsequently promoted to fire captain in 1989. In addition to his honorable service as a firefighter, Jensen also served as a fire explorer post advisor, first aid/CPR instructor and information technologist. As an engine company officer, he led his company through the most destructive wildland fire in Laguna Beach history, the 1993 Laguna Fire. He died in 2012 after a two-year battle with job-related cancer."
Jensen, Steen Feld (I06623)
5 "A Remington Family History" by Lois Remington Smith, p. 71, gives Walter's date of birth as 24 Oct 1917.

"William Walter Remington."Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement 5: 1951-1955. American Council of Learned Societies, 1977. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.

Biographical essay fromthe above source:

Remington, William Walter (Oct. 25, 1917 - Nov. 24, 1954), economist and federal government employee, was born in New York City, the son of Lillian Sutherland and Frederick Clement Remington, an insurance agency executive. He entered Dartmouth College in 1934 but interrupted his studies to work for the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1936-1937, during which time he participated in labor union activities and associated closely with radicals. After returning to Dartmouth, he joined a group of self-proclaimed radicals and espoused a communistic philosophy. Remington married Ann Moos on Nov. 28, 1938; they had two children. He graduated first in his class with the A.B. in 1939 and received the A.M. in economics from Columbia University in 1940. Remington then worked as an economist with the National Resources Planning Board (1940-1941), the Office of Price Administration (1941-1942), and the War Production Board (1942-1944). He enlisted in the navy, serving first as a Russian translator in Washington, then with the Economic Affairs Mission in London and, from December 1945, with the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion. Appointed to the staff of the President's Council of Economic Advisers in 1946, Remington transferred two years later to the Department of Commerce, where he headed the division that cleared export licenses to trade with the Soviet bloc nations.

In 1945 Elizabeth Bentley informed the FBI that during the war she had been a courier for a Soviet espionage ring in Washington, D.C., and that Remington had been one of her sources. She repeated these charges in 1947 before a federal grand jury, which returned no indictments, and publicly in July 1948, before a Senate subcommittee. Remington admitted meeting Bentley secretly and giving her information during 1942 and 1943, but claimed that he knew her only as a researcher and had never given her classified material.

Bentley's charges coincided with the beginning of President Harry Truman's loyalty program; and on Sept. 28, 1948, the Commerce Department's loyalty board ordered Remington's dismissal (a ruling that he appealed). Meanwhile, on Sept. 12, 1948, Bentley repeated her charges on "Meet the Press"; Remington brought a $100,000 slander suit against her, the broadcasting network, and the program's sponsor. On Feb. 10, 1949, the Loyalty Review Board ordered Remington reinstated. Later that year the sponsor and the radio station settled out of court for $10,000; Bentley, however, was not a party to the settlement. Then during congressional hearings in April 1950, two former Communists claimed that Remington had been a Communist party member in 1937, while he was working for the TVA. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer dismissed Remington on grounds of "inefficiency"--Remington had been frequently absent from his job while testifying before grand juries, loyalty boards, and congressional committees. On June 8, 1950, a federal grand jury indicted Remington on one count of perjury, his denial of Communist party membership.

Remington was convicted after a trial lasting from Dec. 26, 1950 to Feb. 7, 1951, but a unanimous Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the conviction, citing principally Judge Gregory Noonan's improper instruction to the jury of what constituted Communist party membership and his refusal to provide the defense with the minutes of the grand jury testimony of the government's star witness, Remington's former wife, from whom he had been divorced in 1949. Rather than retry the case, the government convened another grand jury and on Oct. 25, 1951, secured a new five-count perjury indictment based on Remington's trial testimony.

After obtaining the grand jury minutes, Remington's attorneys unsuccessfully appealed to the United States Supreme Court to quash the indictment. The grand jury minutes revealed that Ann Remington had changed her testimony under pressure from the foreman, John Brunini (who had contracted to assist Bentley in writing a book). Without objection from the United States attorney, Brunini had threatened Ann Remington with a contempt citation, improperly telling her that she had no privilege to refuse to testify.

The jury at the second trial (Jan. 13-27, 1953) found Remington guilty of perjury on two counts: swearing that he had not known of a Young Communist League chapter at Dartmouth and that he had not given Bentley classified material. Sentenced to three years in prison, Remington appealed this verdict, arguing that the manner in which the first indictment had been obtained prevented his being prosecuted for testimony made in his own defense. On Nov. 24, 1953, the Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Remington; and on Feb. 8, 1954, the United States Supreme Court refused to grant certiorari. Remington began serving his sentence at the Lewisburg, Pa., federal prison on Apr. 15, 1953. On Nov. 22, 1954, he was brutally beaten by two fellow inmates who were, the FBI said, ransacking his cell. He died two days later.

By 1948, when Truman's loyalty program began, Remington was no security risk, being an anti-Communist and a moderate in economic philosophy. Attracted to radicalism as a youth, he was an ambitious young man who sought to salvage his reputation by on some occasions dissembling about his association with Bentley and affirming his anti-Communism. He was thus vulnerable to the anti-Communist politics and priorities of the early years of the cold war.

-- Athan Theoharis

[There is no comprehensive biography of Remington or his family. Obituaries are in the New York Times, Nov. 25, 1954; Life, Dec. 6, 1954; and Britannica Book of the Year, 1955.
Records of the congressional investigations and the trials include U.S., Congress, Senate, Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, Investigations Subcommittee, Hearings on Export Policy and Loyalty, 80th Cong., 2d sess., 1948; U.S., Congress, House, Committee on Un-American Activities, Hearings Regarding Communist Espionage in the United States Government, 80th Cong., 2d sess., 1948; and Hearings Regarding Communism in the United States Government--Part I, 81st Cong., 2d sess., 1950; and the transcripts of both trials, U.S. v. Remington (U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York). Although the New York Times provided detailed daily coverage of both committees and the trial testimony, that of the second trial was often perfunctory. The rulings of the Circuit Court of Appeals and of the United States Supreme Court are 191 F.2d 246 (1951), 342 U.S. 895 (1951), 343 U.S. 907 (1952), 208 F.2d 567 (1953), and 347 U.S. 913 (1954).
There is no full scholarly treatment of the complex issues involving Remington's trial and the congressional investigations. The best analyses remain Fred Cook, "The Remington Tragedy: A Study of Injustice," Nation, Dec. 28, 1957; and Herbert Packer, Ex-Communist Witnesses: Four Studies in Fact Finding (1962). Elizabeth Bentley, Out of Bondage (1951), is valuable principally for its revelations about her personality and in contrast with her congressional testimony.
Contemporary studies sympathetic to Remington include James Wechsler, "The Remington Loyalty Case," New Republic, Feb. 28, 1949; Daniel Lang, "A Reporter at Large," New Yorker, May 21, 1949; and Helen Fuller, "Remington and Lee: The Loyalty Purge," New Republic, June 19, 1950. Murray Kempton, Part of Our Time: Some Monuments and Ruins of the Thirties (1967), contains a highly impressionistic portrait of Ann Moos Remington.
The memoir of former Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer, Concerns of a Conservative Democrat (1968), has factual errors but is highly revealing about the priorities of those administering the loyalty program.] 
Remington, William Walter (I11339)
6 "Abigaile" was born on a Monday morning soon after daylight. Arnold, Abigail (I20728)
7 "About a mile east of Hixville village on the road to Faunce Corner where the highway crosses the Noquochoke River was a mill which in 1710 was called the  MERRIHEW, Josiah (I28362)
8 "After his mother died in 1880, he bought the interests of the other heirs in the old farm of his great-grandfather, but lived on it only a year after he married. In 1851, he went to North Scituate to learn the trade of a mechanic in a machine shop, and then about 1863 moved to Burrillville where he was foreman of a machine shop. About 1868, he moved back to North Scituate, where he rented the shop in which he had learned his trade. In 1873, he made arrangements with the Draper Company of Hopedale. He built a factory in Hopedale and made certain parts of cotton and woolen machinery. This factory was burned in 1901. His three oldest sons were in business with him from about 1885 until the fire. He was a deacon of the Congregational Church at Milford." (Stukely Westcott, Vol. 2, Pg. 265, 1939) Westcott, Asa Augustus (I26544)
9 "Ales Coock" is named as his daughter in the will of her father, William Southworth of Little Compton.

"Else" wife of John Cook joined the United Congregational Church of Tiverton 18 Mar 1753.

(see "Mayflower Families Through Five Generations," Vol. 16, Part I, John Alden, p. 254) 
Southworth, Alice (I17990)
10 "Amongst other startling events on the river (says the Rewa correspondent of the Fiji Argus, of November 25), a wedding on a grand scale has formed no inconsiderable share of the excitement, the occasion being the nuptials of two young half-castes, Charley Rounds and Mrs. Hester Pickering, the progenitors of both of whom have been long and favourably known in Fiji. The ceremony was performed at Rewa, on Saturday, the 12th instant, by the Rev. Father Fabier. After the ceremony, the assembled guests, numbering somewhere about 3000, more or less, indulged in festivities which lasted over several days, the dainties provided being 20,000 head of taro, 200 pigs, 4 bullocks, turtles, fish, and fowls innumerable. The wedding presents consisted of 4000 Masini-ni-Viti or tappa (native cloth), 100 bolts of cloth of English manufacture, 2000 mats, 1000 roots of kava, besides other innumerable native delicacies. A number of native dances were performed by the visitors, who came from all quarters, and who generally pronounced this to be the biggest thing of the kind which ever occurred in Fiji."  Family F10817
11 "Anne HILL (743) was born 1645 ?. LDS Family Search Ancestral File, AFN: B683-00 indicates that she was born in Portsmouth, RI, in 1645. This might not be compatible with Bonnie Hubbard's data that indicated that her family was living in Barbados when she met her first husband. IMMIGRANT - Anne, daughter of Philip and Anne Hill of Barbados, was first married to Peter Tallman, Peter being born in Hamburg, Germany, and who later emigrated to Barbados and then RI. Anne most likely came to RI with Peter shortly after their marriage. Bonnie Hubbard quotes Boyer as follows: " 1664 the [Rhode Island] General Assembly took notice of the `insoelent carriadge of Thomas Durfee with the sayd [Peter] Tallmans wife,' and on 3 May 1665 he [Peter] was given a divorce from her on charges of adultery as she admitted she had had a child `begotten by another man,' and she was sentenced to be `whipt at Portsmouth, receiving fifteene stripes; and after a week respite, to be whipt at Newport,' and to pay a fine of  Hill, Ann (I26485)
12 "Anthony Olin son of Henry Olin Jr. and Abigail Remington daughter to Mathew Remington dec'd both of West Greenwich was Lawfully joined together in marriage by me Elisha Greene Elder, West Greenwich 27 Oct 1793" -- and there follows the list of their children, presumably all born in West Greenwich. Family F01562
13 "As a young boy he went through the public schools and taking also the full classical course at the high school was graduated in 1895. He then martriculated at Brown University and received in 1899 his baccalaureate degree in arts. Having decided upon law as his profession, he now entered the Law School at Harvard University and attended this for two years. In 1902 he was admitted to the bar of Rhode Island, and has since been identified with the city of Providence. He has been the judge of the Providence Police Court since January, 1915. He is interested in many projects for public betterment, and for five years he served as secretary of the State Harbor Improvement Commission. He is also secretary of the University Club, of which he is a member. He is a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity, the Rhode Island Bar Association, the Rhode Island Historical Society, The Players' Club, and the Pausacaco Lodge, a South County country club. In his political views Mr. Remington is a Republican. He married, April 24, 1916, Florence M. Glover, of Providence." (from "History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations," Biographical; NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1920, p. 98)

In the 1920 Federal Census, Charles & Florence Remington are living at Providence, RI.

Could he be the Charles Remington, age 53, boarding at Warwick, RI, in the 1930 Census? 
Remington, Charles Cady (I16265)
14 "Asa" could be short for Asenath, or it could be Acey, named after ancestor Abigail Acie, wife of John Remington. Hull, Asa (I04846)
15 "At a Town council held in Foster on the 30th day of August Ad. 1796 . . . Voted that Major Hugh Cole have License to Sell Spiritous Liquors During the Drawing of the Baptist Meeting house Lottery at his House . . ." (source: Google Books, partial view, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol 88 p 49) Cole, Col. Hugh (I26708)
16 "Benjamin Elsbree, stonecutter, house New Boston" is listed in the Fall River City Directory of 1853.

In the 1840 census, there are five Elsbra (Elsbree) family heads listed in Fall River: Hannah (female age 30-40 with two young females and a young male), Henry, Aaron, Benjamin, and Joseph.

Benjamin's household is as follows: 1 FWM<5, 1 FWM 30-39, 2 FWF 5-9, 1 FWF 20-29.

In the 1850 Federal Census, Benjamin Ellsbree is age 36 MA and his wife Ruth is age 32 MA. Their ages do not agree with their marriage record, as he was 40 and she was 35 when they married in 1848. In the household with them are the following: Emery Read 15 MA, Abel Read 15 MA, & Joshua Ellsbree 10 MA. Benjamin is a stone cutter. (In 1860 Ruth is age 44, a widow, and living with Abel Davis and family, next to Emory Davis and family, at Fall River.)

In the 1855 Massachusetts State Census, Benjamin Elsbree is age 48 and wife Ruth is 42. With them are Emery and Abel Davis, both 19, and Sarah Elsbree, 21. Benjamin is a fisherman.

Benjamin Elsbree died at age 48 y 7 m, of typhoid fever. The death record identifies his birthplace as Fall River, and his parents as Joshua & Rhoda Elsbree (Fall River Vol.102: Pg.69), as does the record of his second marriage (to Ruth [Read] Davis) in 1848. (Fall River Vol.37: Pg.78) 
ELSBREE, Benjamin (I00453)
17 "Biography of William Pitt Reynolds"

"William Pitt Reynolds was born in Greenwich, Washington Co, NY on December 7, 1843 the son of Porter Reynolds and Mary Sheldon Remington. Mr Reynolds was educated in the Greenwich schools; the Fort Edward Institute and Eastman Commercial College in Poughkeepsie, NY from which he graduated in 1863. Mr Reynolds began his business career as a clerk. In 1864
he purchased the general merchandise business of his brother, James H Reynolds, at Middle Falls, NY which he successfully conducted for 36 years. On January 2, 1866 William Pitt Reynolds married Harriet Preston, daughter of Dr John Preston and Cornelia Dibble, of Schuylerville, Saratoga Co, NY. William and Harriet have one daughter, Bertha. William is one of a family of SIX CHILDREN: VIZ: Amanda (1831-1864); Andrew David (1835-1911); James H (1837-1897); Merritt ; Mary, who married William McMaster of Lockport, NY. William Pitt Reynolds Father, Porter was an extensive farmer; he also kept a Hotel in his early days
William Pitt Reynolds Maternal Grandfather is David Remington, Jr who served his country in the War of the American Revolution. His Maternal Grandmother is Hannah ROGERS, daughter of James Rogers and Amy Bronson of Greenwich, NY. William 
Reynolds, William Pitt (I13773)
18 "Borden Brayton, youngest of the children of David and Deborah (Borden) Brayton, was born May 25, 1760. He married, September 12, 1784, Mary Remington, daughter of Joseph Remington, and in Tiverton the births of all their children are recorded. Their children were: Deborah, born May 23, 1785; Thomas, born Dec. 30, 1786, was captain of the first passenger boat which ran between Providence and Fall River, and his son, Captain Benjamin Brayton, ran a steamer between Providence and New York for thirty years; Innocent, born Feb. 11, 1789; Abigail, Jan. 27, 1791; David, Oct. 16, 1792; Hannah, May 9, 1794; Francis, mentioned below; Sarah, July 18, 1799; Patience, Nov. 6, 1802; Borden, Oct. 29, 1804; and Mary, June 10, 1808." (from "History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations," Biographical; NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1920, p. 190f)

Borden's will, dated 29 Nov 1849, mentions sons Thomas, Francis, David, & Borden; daughters Innocent Wodell & Hannah Mosher; and grandchildren Thomas, Brayton, Job, & Borden Wodell; Israel Brayton, s/o Francis; and Rodney & Timothy, s/o David.

A Brayton genealogy says Borden died at the family home on Stafford Rd., Tiverton.

Borden was a Revolutionary War soldier and a pensioner (#S21087). He served 24 months as a private. On 4 Nov 1833 at age 73, resident of Tiverton, he appeared in court for his pension hearing. Part of his military service was in Capt. Joseph Durfee's company, Col. John Hathaway's Regt. He testified that he served in Dec 1776 one month at Freetown under Capt. Henry Brightman and served as a guard in Fall River. Capt. Thomas Elsbree and Capt Burt are also mentioned. In 1780 he was captured on board a privateer and taken to New York, and was released in 1782. Borden said he was born at Newport, RI, 25 May 1760 and moved with his father to Freetown, MA, the part that later became Troy (now Fall River), in 1775. He resided there until he entered the service, and from then to 1783, when he moved to the adjoining town of Tiverton, where he has lived ever since. He said the only record of his birth (that he knew of) was in the family Bible.

Borden and Mary's graves have been removed from the family farm and are now in a Brayton-Remington family plot at Pleasant View Cemetery, Stone Church Rd., Tiverton. Both sets of their parents are there, as well as several other family members.

Steven Borden's web site includes another child, Rebecca. 
Brayton, Borden (I04213)
19 "Born in St. Louis in 1884, Remington Schuyler was an artist most famous for his illustrations and portrayals of the American West, including Siouxan peoples and cowhands . . . [He was a] dedicated volunteer to the Boy Scouts. Many of Schuyler's illustrations and writings appeared in the magazine Scouting. Schuyler's work was also featured in the Saturday Evening Post and in several books, including The Wagon Wheel by William Patterson White and Daniel Boone, Wilderness Scout by Stewart Edward White.
Schuyler is most associated with the American West, specifically Rosebud Reservation, and with the New Rochelle Art Association, which included Schuyler and Norman Rockwell as founding members. An accomplished artist, Schuyler studied at the National Academy in Rome on a scholarship, as well as the Art School of Washington University. Schuyler served as Artist-in-Residence at Missouri Valley College at Marshall before his death in 1955.

During his travels to the American West, Schuyler collected items from Plains and Southwest Native Americans, a number of which were donated to the University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology via former faculty member Carl Chapman. Notable among the items in the Schuyler collection is a feather cap from the Brul 
Schuyler, Remington (I08227)
20 "Capt. Nicholas Bowes 1636-1721 married first Sarah HUBBARD, then Dorcas CHAMPNEY, then Martha REMINGTON 19 Jan 1719.:
(from Rootsweb message board, Suffolk County, MA, 4 July 2000) 
Bowes, Captain Nicholas (I08002)
21 "Chad Brown, a Baptist minister, was born about 1600 in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England [unconfirmed by me]. The names of his parents are unknown. Elizabeth Sharparowe was born about 1604 in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire, England. They probably married about 1629 based on the known birth dates of their sons:
Brown, Chad (I05070)
22 "Chula M. Remington, S.S. '34, S.S. '35, S.S. '36, resigned her position with the Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Public Library to go to the Edina School Library, 50th and Wooddale Streets, Minneapolis, Minnesota."

"Chula M. Remington, B.S. '27, resigned her position as librarian of the School at Edina, Minn., to become librarian of the Bessemer Township Public Library at Ramsay, Mich., starting her new duties this September."

(the above notes from Alumni Newsletter, U of IL) 
Remington, Chula M. (I24552)
23 "COL. ISAAC GREENE [Jas John John] Born Nov 6, 1724; m. Mary Weaver in 1754. One child died young. Only birth records of
Mehitable and Joseph. Abigail m. Oliver Wicks, and James m. Genevieve Case. One son alone leaves traceable line." (source: "The Greene Family and its Branches" by Lora S. LaMance, Mayflower Pub Co.) 
GREENE, Col. Isaac (I09227)
24 "Cornell, Thomas, of Thomas, and Martha Freeborn, of Gideon, March 26, 1696" Family F10277
25 "Daniel (died 1757) was in charge of the plantation [at Smith's Castle, North Kingstown, RI] between 1736 and 1757. Trained as a lawyer, he served as attorney general from 1722 to 1728; the fine furniture and clocks which can be seen at Smith's Castle date from his period of prosperity. Daniel Updike maintained contacts with Newport, and he was the first signer of the "Laws and Orders" of the cultural society which was the parent organization of the Redwood Library there."
(source: "The Rhode Island Atlas" by Marion I. Wright and Robert J. Sullivan, Providence: RI Publications Society, 1982, p. 148)

Daniel Updike, Lt. Col. and Aty. Gen. of RI, was baptized by immersion at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on 2 May 1730.

"John O. Austin's Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, p 399: "The family burial ground where he was laid is at Cocumscusset...or Smith's Castle, near Wickford, for nearly two hundred years the seat of this family" (also see obituary, near the end of this biography). The birth year is an approximation based on the date of his first marriage and the sequencing of his siblings.

"Daniel was the son of Lodowick Updike and Abigail Newton of Kingstown, Rhode Island. He was married three times: (1) at Trinity Church in Newport, RI on 20 Dec 1716 to Sarah ARNOLD, b. 3 Nov 1698, d. 26 Jan 1718, the daughter of Benedict Arnold and Sarah Mumford. Sarah died in childbirth with their infant born and died in 1718. Sarah and infant are buried in the Governor Arnold Lot on Pelham Street in Newport. Daniel m. (2) 21 Dec 1722 Anstis Jenkins, b. 28 Oct 1702, d. c. 1744, the daughter of Richard Jenkins and Mary Wilkins; and (3) 14 March 1745 Mary (GODFREY) Wanton, the widow of William Wanton, and daughter of John Godfrey and Elizabeth Carr. Daniel had four children with his second wife, only the older two of whom survived childhood.

"Daniel was the Attorney General of the Rhode Island colony from 1722 to 1732, and again from 1743 to 1757. He studied under tutors 'at his father's house,' including the subjects of Greek, Latin, and French. As a young man he went to the Barbados, after which he studied law, soon moving to Newport. In 1729 he and three others were appointed to a committee to revise and print the laws of the colony.

"In 1730 he was a Lieutenant Colonel of the local militia, and that same year he was baptized in the Pettasquanscutt River by Rev. James McSparren. Also in 1730, he was one of the founders of the literary institution in Newport, later known as the Redwood Library.

"In 1732 he was nominated for Governor to oppose William Wanton, but lost. From 1741 to 1743 he was an attorney for Kings County (now Washington County), and during the same time he was appointed on a committee to revise the laws.

"His obituary, appearing in the records of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, under the rectorship of Dr. James McSparren, reads: 'Colonel Updike of North Kingstown, Attorney General of the Colony, died on Saturday the 15th of May, 1757, about noon, and after a funeral discourse was preached by Dr. McSparren, was interred in the burial ground of the family, beside the remains of his father and second wife Anstis Jenkins, mother of Lodowick and Mary Updike his surviving children.' "

The children of Daniel and Anstis were:

* Lodowick, b. 12 July 1725, m. Abigail GARDINER.

* Mary, b. 11 April 1727, m. Hon. John COLE.

* Gilbert, b. 9 May 1729, predeceased his father.

* Wilkins, b. 9 Mary 1729, predeceased his father. 
Updyke, Daniel (I14214)
26 "Deep Roots in Hancock, Co., Illinois" Source (S013066)
27 "Descendants of Roger Williams" Book I, p. 153 says Peleg was lost at sea in 1776. There is a single gravestone in Pawtuxet Cemetery (WK #3) for him and his wife Waite Remington. This has been photographed for my collection.

Information from Richard Allen Brownell, Sr.:
Peleg's specific dates of birth and death were received in an email from Mr. Brownell.
Peleg Remington was captain of a vessel in the Maritime Service and took the Oath of Allegiance to the Colonies in 1775.

He is likely one of the two Peleg Remingtons listed for Warwick in the 1774 RI Census.

A typewritten Remington genealogy given to Mrs. Dorothy White of the Roger Williams Family Association shows Peleg as a son of Stephen Remington & Lydia Rhodes. No specific documentation is provided.

A note in the papers of the Mary E. Rice Collection, excerpted from a copy of a letter written by Mrs. Rice to Virginia Adair, a descendant of Peleg Remington: "Dear Mrs. Adair, I have found that Peleg Remington is the son of Stephen & (guess what) a Lydia Rhodes. I will continue to check this . . . " 
Remington, Captain Peleg I (I04525)
28 "Dr. Nathan Remington Tefft was born in Greenwich, Washington County, N.Y. December 25, 1808, his ancestors coming from Rhode Island to this State in 1766. He was reared by his maternal grandfather, who gave him an excellent common school education, which enabled him to early engage in teaching and thus obtain the means to defray the expenses of a course of study at Lansingburg Academy, then in charge of the late Alexander McCall, of Troy, who ranked among the most popular educator of that period. In the fall of 1827 he came to Marcellus, Onondaga County, and entered upon the study of medicine in the office of his brother, the late Dr. Lake I. Tefft, with whom he remained until the spring of 1831, excepting two winters in teaching school in the town of Skaneateles and a few months as a student under Drs. Hopkins and Porter, of that village. Removing to Onondaga Hill in 1831 he continued his medical studies with the late Dr. Samuel Healy, and in the winter of 1822-33 attended a course of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York city. In the spring of 1833 he obtained from the New York State Medical Society a diploma to practice medicine and surgery, and returning to Onondaga Hill he formed a copartnership with his old preceptor, Dr. Healy, which continued for two years, when, owing to ill-health and advanced age, the latter retired, leaving Dr. Tefft his extensive patronage. Dr. Tefft resided there and successfully prosecuted a wide professional business until shortly before his death, which occurred November 19, 1890.

"He was long one of the best known physicians in Onondaga county, and in hundreds of homes his cheerful presence, kindly manner, and words of encouragement were welcomed and revered. His practice covered a wide territory, extending even into the adjoining towns of Geddes, Camillus, Marcellus, Otisco, and La Fayette, and wherever he went his strong personality and personal influence were potential factors. Though unassuming and characteristically modest, he was endowed with rare tact and perseverance, and invariably succeeded in whatever he attempted. He was public spirited, enterprising, and progressive, and took a deep and often an active interest in all that concerned the general welfare. For fifty years he was the efficient physician and surgeon to the Onondaga County Poorhouse and Asylum for the Insane. In 1862 he was commissioned surgeon of the 122d Regt. N. Y. Vols., and remained in active service in the war of the Rebellion for two years, when ill-health forced him to resign. He brought from the war physical ailments from which he never recovered, and which year by year exhausted his naturally strong constitution and ultimately impaired his system. He continued, however, in the practice of his profession with the same success that marked his earlier years, and also identified himself with the affairs of the community. In 1869 he was elected to the State Legislature from the Second Assembly district of Onondaga and at the expiration of his term declined a renomination, which was unanimously tendered to him.

"Dr. Tefft joined the Onondaga County Medical Society on June 11, 1833, and served as its secretary from June, 1838, to June, 1847. At the annual meeting in 1882 the society unanimously adopted the following resolution:

" 'Resolved, In view of the estimable character of our worthy member, Dr. N. R. Tefft, and his having reached the fiftieth anniversary of his membership in this society, we hereby tender to him as a mark of our respect and high regard a public reception and dinner at such time and place as shall best suit his convenience.'

"Dr. Tefft was never able, owing to impaired health, to make that appointment. He was held in high esteem, not only by his professional brethren, but by the public at large, and especially by those with whom he came in contact. He led a very useful life both as a physician and as a member of society, and was much sought after as an executor for the settlement of estates. He was a close student and an indefatigable practitioner, a man of good ability and of excellent judgment, a courteous gentleman, a skillful surgeon, a safe physician, and an honest citizen. His integrity was never questioned. He rode in the saddle as long as he practiced medicine, and that as long as he was able to travel. He was also a member of the New York State Medical Society.

"In 1834 Dr. Tefft was married to Miss Emily Strong, daughter of the late Hezekiah Strong, of Onondaga Hill, who died in March, 1890. Their life was a peculiarly happy one. She was long an earnest member of the Presbyterian church, with which he united a few years before his death, but which he always liberally supported. Three children survive them: Ellen and Emma, of Fayetteville, N.Y., and Edward S., assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Syracuse."

Source: Bruce, Dwight H. (Ed.), Onondaga's Centennial. Boston History Co., 1896, Vol. II, Biographical, pp. 97-99.

For Onondaga Co. genealogy and history, see:

* * * * *

In the 1850 Federal Census, Nathan R. Tefft is living at Onondaga, Onondaga Co., NY. He is a physician, age 41. His wife Emily H. is 34. Daughter Emma is age 4. I don't know where daughter Ellen is at this time. In 1870 the family is still living there, with three children in the household: Ellen, Emma, & Edmund. Nathan is age 61. In 1880 he is age 71, living at Onondaga Hill; Emily is 64. 
Tefft, Nathan Remington (I10085)
29 "Dr. Smith, a physician, received his early education in Madison, FL. When it was demonstrated he was an exceptional student he was sent to the Bingham School in North Carolina, the University of Florida (I understand he was a founding member of the ATO fraternity there but I have not seen evidence of that), Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, and post-graduate medical education in Berlin, Germany, and Vienna, Austria. He returned to Madison, FL, to practice medicine. He married Marie Vann Dial on November 21, 1895. Marie and Chandler had eight children who survived one of whom was Rosa Alexandria Smith, my mother. Dr. Smith died August 17, 1918. He was the city of Madison's first automobile fatality. Suffering from chronic hearing loss he did not hear or see the car driven by a young and inexperienced female who hit him as he attempted to walk across the street." (notes from Chandler Smith Cheek)

In the Federal Census of 1910, the family is living at Madison, FL.

They had three children that died young: Susan, Marie, and Julia. See 
Smith, Dr. Chandler Holmes Jr. (I15759)
30 "Eleanor received her education from the Dominican friars who were fixtures at the Castilian court in her early years, and with whose order she would have a lifelong association. Castile was a cosmopolitan royal court, with a strong literary atmosphere, and Eleanor later showed an ease with, and interest in, historical writing and classical works . . . The terms of the Anglo-Castilian treaty agreed upon in March 1254 were that Edward of England was to be knighted by Alfonso X, marry Eleanor, raise the amount of her dower, and help to impose Castilian supremacy over Navarre . . . The royal wedding took place on 1 November at the monastery of Las Huelgas near Burgos, the chief religious site for the Castilian royal family ." i-and.html

Castile was a territory in north central Spain. Burgos is in northern Castile.

From Wikipedia:

"Eleanor of Castile died on 28 November 1290. Uncommon for such marriages of the period, the couple loved each other. Moreover like his father, Edward was very devoted to his queen and was faithful to her throughout their married lives -- a rarity among monarchs of the time. He was deeply affected by her death. He displayed his grief by erecting twelve so-called Eleanor crosses, one at each place where her funeral cort 
CASTILE, Princess, Queen Eleanor of (I19847)
31 "Eliza Remington Daughter of the Reverend Jarus Remington Born of his wife Louis July the 28th 1798"

The online genealogy of John Alden & Priscilla Mullins says Eliza died on 6 Feb 1868 in NY. 
Remington, Eliza (I13444)
32 "Family Notes" has his year of birth as c1813. Arnold, Charles Greene (I09594)
33 "Garret P. REMINGTON, born in Dayton, Sept. 4, 1841, married, July 4, 1861, Augusta, daughter of Darius and Mary A. (MERRILL) MARKHAM, who was born in Dayton, Jan. 20, 1846. He enlisted in the late war April 4, 1861, and is a farmer on the Benjamin MARKHAM farm." (source: Markham, Augusta E. (I22674)
34 "He was engaged in farming a good part of his life, and was also a manufacturer of soap at Fall River, MA, and near New Bedford, MA." (from "History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations," Biographical; NY: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1920; p. 190f)

In his father's will, Francis received 70 acres of his father's land in Fall River, taken from the easterly part with dwelling and buildings thereon.

In the Federal Census of 1850, Francis and Agnes and family are living at Fall River, MA. He is a farmer.

In the Federal Census of 1860, Francis is a widower age 65, still a farmer at Fall River. Three of his adult children are in the household.

In the Federal Census of 1870, Francis age 73 is living at Fall River, MA. He is a farmer, living with the family of Cornelius Kennedy. 
Brayton, Francis (I16274)
35 "He was living in Kings Town in 1687, as he was taxed there on Sept. 6, 2s. 2d. He probably returned to Newport. He was Freeman in 1671, served on the Grand Jury in 1686, and in 1690, Sept. 16, with two others, was appointed by the Assembly to proportion the rate of tax for Kings Town's part of money for French and Indian War." (source: krich_djvu.txt)

From New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol 128 p 152 (Jane Fiske): Jeremiah married as his second wife Mary, widow of Thomas Cooke of Portsmouth. Mary was the mother of his younger children, Samuel b March 1680 and Hannah b 1688/9 and perhaps others. She survived Jeremiah and was still living in 1691. The theory that Mary was d/o Williams Havens is erroneous. 
Brown, Jeremiah (I05069)
36 "Here is the abstract of the decision from the Warwick Town Council meeting of 11 March 1744/5: 'Stephen Remington of Warwick, son of Thomas Remington, late of Warwick, deceased, was judged to lack the discretion to handle his real estate. The council appointed his brother, Thomas Remington, as his guardian. The brother accepted and gave his bond.' " (Source: Cherry Fletcher Bamberg)

Cherry sent me the image of the original document which records Thomas's agreement to manage Stephen's estate; Stephen is described as a laborer of Warwick and non compos mentis. The document is also signed by Stephen Remington and Daniel Remington, presumably two uncles of Thomas and Stephen.

On 6 February 1772 "William and Mary (Remington) Hopkins of West Greenwich deeded to Thomas Remington, Junior, their rights by virtue of the death of 'our late dec'd Brother Stephen Remington.' " (Source: "Sabin-Remington-Hunt Notes," article by Gordon L. Remington in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Oct. 1993, p. 373.) 
Remington, Stephen (I02927)
37 "History of the First Congregational Church" Stonington, Conn.; 1674-1874 Marriages by Rev. Ebenezer Rosseter Family F10331
38 "Hurbert A." is age 6 in the 1865 MA State Census.

According to the death record, Herbert was single. 
Family F06435
39 "I am told that my grandmother (Olga) was a Swedish maid in someone's home before she married my grandfather, Charles Skoglund (1875-1932), who arrived in the US in 1891 and became a US citizen in 1898. He was State Boiler Inspector, which was a very responsible, respected job, since everything was run by steam. The census listed them at 10 Newhall St., Quincy, but it didn't look reliable. . . My grandmother's maiden name was Olga Ryberg (1874-1946). She came from Gottenberg, Sweden, and arrived via Ellis Island, New York, on 1 November 1893 on the "Majestic" -- a white-star line ship, according to ship manifest records at Ellis Island." (Caroline Remington Kuhn, 8 February, 31 May, 1 June 2011, emails with John Piot) Skoglund, Charles (I25434)
40 "Ida L. (Brooks) Elsbree, a resident of Brighton for over 70 years, died on Aug 3, 2011 at Evans Park in Newton Corner. She was 99.
Ida was born in Grafton, NH and graduated from Beverly High School in 1930. She was a member of St. Margaret 
Brooks, Ida Letitia (I19782)
41 "In April 1771 Freelove Remington petitioned for divorce from Thomas Remington, 'late of Warwick, mariner.' She told how he changed after marriage: 'the fatal Knot being Ti'd the Smilling Affability of the Lover and Friend was converted into the Stern Severity of a Tyrant' and he treated her with 'implacable Fury' . . . She alleged that he had abandoned her in Jan 1765 and ever after lived in adultery. The petition was granted." (source: Elder John Gorton and the Six Principle Baptist Church of East Greenwich, RI; by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg; RI Genealogical Society 2001; p. 208) Nichols, Freelove (I04765)
42 "In Croton, March 8th, by Rev. J. S. Webber, Herbert M. VanBUSKIRK, of Meredith, to Miss Julia E. REMINGTON, of Croton." Family F07688
43 "In memory of Timothy Remmington son of Jonathan & Mercy Remmington died 1797 age 4 (or 1) mo and 13 days" (source: The burial grounds of Lansingburgh, Rensselaer County, New York, p 68) Remington, Timothy (I24749)
44 "JAMES CASFORD JR. ; b. 1803 I.O.W. ; Baptized at Calbourne, I.O.W. , UK, on 13 March, 1803; died in Hall Township, Bureau County, Illinois., U.S.A. , between 1870 -1880. He came to Prince Edward Island, Canada with his parents, as a young boy , between 16 May, 1808 - 25 July, 1816 . . . married in P.E.I., in 1829, to MARGERY CARR. They moved from Prince Edward Island, Canada; to Wisconsin, USA, by 1850; & then moved to Illinois by 1854." (source: HChevalier, Remington Message Board at, 21 May 2007)

#2 married 1859 (widower), in Hall Township, Bureau Co., Illinois, to (widow), JANE (BELL) REMINGTON , b. c. 1810 , d/o Ralph R. Bell
and Desire Reynolds ; widow of Truman Remington; Truman died 13 Feb., 1859 , s/o Jonathan Remington.
(source: HChevalier, Remington Message Board at, 21 May 2007)

In the 1860 Federal Census, the family at Hall, Bureau Co., IL, is as follows: James Cassford 60 Eng, Jane Cassford 45 NY, Henry Cassford 16 PEI, and John Cassford 14 PEI.

Going back a decade to 1850, James Casford b England is living in Waukesha, Waukesha Co., WI. He has a wife and seven children all born PEI. Unfortunately, the census gives only the initials for everyone in the family except James. The last two are H & J, and these are probably the Henry & John we see in 1860 in IL. Their ages agree, also. What is different is that James's wife was b England, and her initial is "M." This suggests that Jane was his second wife.

In the Federal Census of 1870, James and Jane Casford, ages 67 and 62, are still living at Hall, Bureau Co., IL. Census data says James was born in England and Jane in Canada.
Casford, James Jr. (I22122)
45 "JAMES CASFORD JR. ; b. 1803 I.O.W. ; Baptized at Calbourne, I.O.W. , UK, on 13 March, 1803; died in Hall Township, Bureau County, Illinois., U.S.A. , between 1870 -1880. He came to Prince Edward Island, Canada with his parents, as a young boy , between 16 May, 1808 - 25 July, 1816 . . . married in P.E.I., in 1829, to MARGERY CARR. They moved from Prince Edward Island, Canada; to Wisconsin, USA, by 1850; & then moved to Illinois by 1854." (source: HChevalier, Remington Message Board at, 21 May 2007)

#2 married 1859 (widower), in Hall Township, Bureau Co., Illinois, to (widow), JANE (BELL) REMINGTON , b. c. 1810 , d/o Ralph R. Bell
and Desire Reynolds ; widow of Truman Remington; Truman died 13 Feb., 1859 , s/o Jonathan Remington.
(source: HChevalier, Remington Message Board at, 21 May 2007)

In the Federal Census of 1880, Jane Cassford, 70, is listed as "mother" in the household of Dennis (David/Daniel?) & Prudence Remington, at Hackberry, Labette Co., KS. 
Bell, Jane (I22119)
46 "James Shearman, son of Daniel of Dartmouth, and Grizzil Merehew, daughter of Josiah of Dartmouth, 30th, 6 mo called August, 1722" Family F00606
47 "Jane Margaret Hopkins, 76, of Silver Spring, Maryland and Charlestown, Rhode Island, died on January 1, 2014. The daughter of the late Margaret T. and Elliott A. Hopkins, she is survived by her brothers; James A. Hopkins and Mark E. Hopkins (Andrea); nieces; Kathryn J. Hopkins (Francis Morey) and Jennifer M. Skerrett (William); great nieces; Elizabeth Skerrett and Anna Skerrett and great nephew Ian Morey.

"A graduate of the University of Rhode Island, Jane taught elementary school in Rhode Island and Montgomery County, Maryland for 48 years. She was passionate about and dedicated to education, and made a difference in the lives of the children she taught. Jane will be remembered, too, for her unique laugh, warm and open personality, and her ability to maintain many friendships through decades and despite geographical distances." 
Hopkins, Jane Margaret (I00327)
48 "Jennie Remington" was a widow, age 40, in the 1920 Federal Census. She was a servant in Providence, living with the family of Gerald Whitman. The census says she was naturalized in 1905. Her son E. Thomas Remington, age 15, is listed in South Kingstown with her sister Johanna's family.

In the 1930 Federal Census, Eugenia W. Remington is age 50, a widow, living on Lyon St., Pawtucket, RI. She is a servant in a private family. Her son Eugene T. Remington is age 25, single, and a cabinet maker in a factory. The census data says Eugenia was born in Sweden, immigrated in 1887, and married at age 17. 
Sunman, Eugenia "Jennie" Wilhelmina (I00366)
49 "Job is said to have been the son of John Straight of West Greenwich and by 1796 had moved to Otsego, Otsego County, NY, where at a town meeting of 7 April 1796 he was appointed poor master and bondsman."
(source for the above information: Linda L. Mathews in "A Line of Descent from Elkanah Johnson of Coventry . . ." in RI Roots Magazine, Vol. 29, No. 3, p. 120; she is quoting Theodore Lazell's "Henry Straight of Portsmouth, RI, 1652-1720, and Some of his Descendants" pub. 1952, p. 52)

See notes that follow, from Rootsweb's Worldconnect, family tree of Ryley Meagher:

No one in Allegany Co. was able to come up with a settler in Wellsville before the squatter Jobe Straite (sic) in 1822. He was the first settler and his log cabin was the first white man's habitation in corporate Wellsville. Mrs. Job Straight Jr. who for years lived in the old log house, was interviewed a few years before her death. She stated that her father-in-law, her husband and herself came to Wellsville in 1822. (History of Allegany Co., NY; p. 329)

The same source goes on to say: "These very early settlers were 'squatters' not particularly celebrated for virtue, sobriety , or religious zeal." He then goes on to name several pioneers who purchased their lands and praises their virtues. (p.130)

Rogers' Survey of 1826: Lot# 4 of 131 acres, occupied by Job Straite; beech, maple and pine, first quality upland and pine flats. Lot #5 of 110 acres, consisting of beech, maple, and pine upland and flat, was occupied by Job Straite Jr. The notes mention no settlers in the village other than the Straight family.

"No new country has probably ever been opened for settlement, that had as rugged features, as much of difficulty to overcome, as the territory which comprises Allegany Co."

The pioneers who came before 1830 subsisted largely on fish and game.

In 1829 when a few other pioneers were settling "The Straite's clearance on the flat was the largest anywhere around. In 1832 the first tavern, the first school house. the first saw and grist mill and the first store opened. Thomas Straight Dr. was the first c"ustomer of the store.

Job Straite had a corn-cracker at his cabin, made by cutting down a large maple and using the stump for a bowl. Corn was ground in this novel mill by raising and dropping in the bowl the heavy pestle which had been constructed from a section of the tree.

The following is an excerpt from History of Allegany County, N. Y.; p.336:

"HUNT FOR A LOST MAN--- The most thrilling episode in the early history of Wellsville was the organized hunt for Job Straite, Sr., in 1833. The pioneers were a close body of brothers, deeply interested in each other's welfare. Settlements were few and isolated, and men were friends, not merely acquaintances. It was not remarkable when old man Straite, 90 years of age, wandered into the forest that the other settlers, for a radius of nine miles or more, united in a search for the lost man. One Sunday in April 1833, the old gentleman started to visit his grandson. The path was a narrow one through the forest. Nothing was thought of the old man's absence until Monday afternoon when the son discovered that he had never reached his destination. An alarm was immediately sounded through the neighborhood and a searching party organized, but no trace of the wanderer could be found. The search on Tuesday was also unsuccessful. Excitement became intense. On Wednesday men gave up their usual work and made a business of the search. The man had been out three cold nights. Whispers of foul play circulated, out-of-the-way places were searched for his remains, for it was believed that he must certainly have been murdered. None could suggest an incentive for the dark deed however, and many did not believe its commission posssible. Thursday, Friday and Saturday they searched continuously. On Saturday, the eighth day, hope of his discovery while alive was given up. Excitement grew apace. Men fron Scio, Andover, Willing and Independence joined the hunt. Parties were organized and 200 or more men systematically scoured the country. A line was formed reaching from Wellsville to Andover on the south side of dike's creek. About 8 o'clock Sunday morning companies began to move slowly and cautiously forward scanning every foot of the ground. Men were in speaking distance of each other and armed woth guns and horns. The country was a perfect wilderness in which it was very easy to lose one's way. Toward the close of the afternoon three sharp shots and the blast of horns woke the echos of the hills south of Dike's Creek, about half way between Andover and Wellsville. The man was found and found alive. At least he breathed, but his mind was gone, and he sat unconsciously digging with his hand a hole in the ground. His mouth was filled with earth and roots which he had attempted to eat. His condition was indeed pitiable, but not for long. Kind friends took turns carrying him to the road. At John Harvey's, the nearest house (where Emory Cook now lives), a blanket was procured and rigged to poles. On this the old man was carried to Shoemaker's Corners (now Elm Valley). Here Dr. Rice resuscitated Mr. Straite who eventually recovered and lived for several years. Manson Rice of Andover discovered the lost man. Erastus Baker first answered the glad blast which Rice blew on discovering the wanderer. One shot followed another down the long line, the sound of conchshells and horns and hilarious shouts mingled in the valley until the joyful news was carried miles away and all the searchers were informed: 'The lost is found!' 'The lost is found!' "

Straight, Job (I11448)
50 "John Allin son of Mr Thomas Allin Junr and Mary Gould daughter of mr daniel Gould deceased both of North Kingstown was Lawfully Joyned in the Honorable Estate of Marriage in said Kingstown on the 25 day of January 1769 by me John Gorton Eldr" (source: "Elder John Gorton and the Six Principle Baptist Church of East Greenwich" by Cherry Fletcher Bamberg pub RI Genealogical Society p 231)

ALLEN John, of Thomas, and Mary Gould, of Daniel, both of North Kingstown, at said Kingstown, Jan. 26, 1769 (Warwick VRs). 
Family F02312

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