Place List: All Largest Localities
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1. "lost at sea" (1) |
1. 3 June 1885 (1) |
1. a drowning at sea (1) 2. Africa (3) 3. AL (5) 4. Alaska (1) 5. America (3) |
6. Anthony RI (1) 7. Antigua (1) 8. AR (6) 9. Argentina (3) 10. Arizona (1) |
11. As per 1930 census (1) 12. at sea (1) 13. Atlantic Ocean (1) 14. Australia (3) 15. AZ (16) |
1. B (1) 2. Bad Sassendorf/Soest (1) 3. Barbadoes (1) |
4. Bay of Honduras (1) 5. BC (1) 6. Belgium (2) |
7. Berkshire Co. MA (1) 8. Bermuda (1) |
1. CA (94) 2. CA or MA (1) 3. CA or OK (1) 4. CA or OR (1) 5. California (3) 6. Canada (42) 7. Canada or Ireland (1) 8. Canada or MI (1) 9. Canada or RI (1) 10. Canada West (1) |
11. Cathedral of Saint-Andr (1) 12. Central Falls RI (1) 13. Chile (2) 14. China (3) 15. Civil War (1) 16. CO (15) 17. Coast of Guinea (1) 18. Colombia (1) 19. Congregational Church (1) 20. Connecticut (1) |
21. Coventry. RI (1) 22. CR or RI (1) 23. Cranston (1) 24. CT (134) 25. CT or MA (1) 26. CT or NY (1) 27. CT or RI (1) 28. CT or VT (1) 29. Czechoslovakia (1) |
1. D.C. (1) 2. Dakota Territory (1) 3. DC (2) |
4. DE (3) 5. Delaware Bay (1) 6. Denmark (76) |
7. Denmjark (1) 8. DK (3) |
1. East Canada (1) 2. East Greenwich (2) 3. EG (1) 4. England (201) |
5. England or Canada (1) 6. England or Ireland (1) 7. England or London (1) 8. England or MA (1) |
9. England or RI (1) 10. Estimated date (1) 11. Exeter (1) 12. Exeter. RI (1) |
1. FI (1) 2. Fiji (5) 3. Finland (1) |
4. FL (54) 5. Florida (1) 6. France (16) |
7. Free (1) 8. FRI (1) |
1. Hawaii (2) 2. Hawaiian Islands (1) |
3. HI (1) 4. Hingham. MA (1) |
5. Historical Cemetery 60 off Cowesett Rd. near Rt. 2 (1) 6. Holland (5) |
1. IA (84) 2. ID (25) 3. IL (77) 4. Illinois (8) 5. Illinois or WI (1) |
6. IN (27) 7. IN or OK (1) 8. India (2) 9. Indian Territory (1) 10. Indiana (1) |
11. Iowa (12) 12. Iowa or Nebraska (1) 13. Ireland (6) 14. Ireland or England (2) 15. Italy (3) |
1. Kent Co. (1) 2. Kentucky (1) 3. Knox Co. OH (1) |
4. Kolt Kirkegaard (1) 5. Korea (1) 6. KS (32) |
7. KS or MO (1) 8. KY (7) |
1. LA (9) 2. Lakeside Cemetery (1) |
3. Lebanon (1) 4. Los Angeles CA (1) |
5. lost at sea (1) |
1. MA (399) 2. MA or ME (1) 3. MA or NH (1) 4. MA or NY (3) 5. MA or RI (1) 6. MA or VT (1) 7. Maine (2) 8. Manteca CA (1) 9. Martinique (2) 10. Maryland (1) |
11. Massachusetts (1) 12. Massachusetts Bay Colony (1) 13. MD (7) 14. MD or PA (1) 15. ME (55) 16. Methuen. MA (1) 17. MI (206) 18. MI or Canada (1) 19. MI or IN (1) 20. Michigan (3) |
21. Minnesota (1) 22. MN (28) 23. MN or OR (1) 24. MO (21) 25. MO or IL (1) 26. MS (9) 27. MT (6) 28. MX (1) |
1. NC (15) 2. ND (4) 3. NE (46) 4. NE or SD (1) 5. Nebraska (1) 6. Nevada (1) 7. New Amsterdam (1) 8. New Hampshire (1) 9. New Jersey (1) 10. New York (3) 11. New York State (1) 12. New Zealand (1) |
13. Newport (1) 14. NH (40) 15. NH or NY (1) 16. NJ (39) 17. NM (2) 18. North Africa (1) 19. North Carolina (2) 20. Norway (1) 21. Nova Scotia (7) 22. NV (8) 23. NY (581) 24. NY or Canada (1) |
25. NY or MA (1) 26. NY or MI (1) 27. NY or NJ (1) 28. NY or OH (1) 29. NY or Ohio (2) 30. NY or OR (1) 31. NY or PA (1) 32. NY or TX (1) 33. NY or VT (1) 34. NZ (1) |
1. OA (1) 2. off Cowesett Rd. at Bald Hill (1) 3. off Cowesett Rd. near Rt. 2 (1) 4. off the African coast (1) 5. off the coast of Cape Horn (1) 6. OH (125) |
7. OH or IL (1) 8. OH or MI (1) 9. Ohio (8) 10. OK (11) 11. Oklahoma Indian Territory (1) 12. On the (1) |
13. Ontario (3) 14. OR (59) 15. or NY (1) 16. Oregon (1) 17. Orleans Co. VT (1) |
1. PA (83) 2. PA or RI (1) 3. PE (1) 4. Pennsylvania (1) |
5. Philippine Islands (1) 6. Pittsburgh PA (1) 7. Plains Cemetery (1) 8. Poland (1) |
9. Portsmouth. RI (1) 10. Prince Edward Island (1) 11. Providence RI (1) 12. Prussia (1) |
1. R (1) 2. RFI (1) 3. Rhode Island (2) 4. RI (725) |
5. RI or CT (1) 6. RI or GA (1) 7. RI or MA (1) 8. RI or New York (1) |
9. RI or NY (1) 10. Rome. Italy (1) 11. Russia (2) |
1. Sandwich Islands (1) 2. SC (4) 3. SC or GA (1) 4. Scotland (10) 5. Scotland or England (1) 6. Scotland or Ireland (1) |
7. Scotland or NY (1) 8. SD (12) 9. South Africa (2) 10. South America (2) 11. Spain (1) 12. St. Martinico (1) |
13. Surinam (1) 14. Swansea MA (1) 15. Sweden (4) 16. Switzerland (2) |
1. T (1) 2. Tabernacle Baptist Church Cemetery (1) 3. The (1) 4. The Battle of Bull Run (1) |
5. The West (1) 6. Tiverton (2) 7. Tiverton Cemetery 17 (1) 8. Tiverton. RI (1) |
9. TN (3) 10. TX (22) |
1. VA (48) 2. VA or MD (1) 3. VA or NY (1) 4. VA; or South Carolina (2) |
5. Venezuela (2) 6. Vermont (1) 7. Virginia (1) 8. VT (124) |
9. VT or MA (1) 10. VT or NY (1) 11. VY (1) |
1. W (2) 2. WA (30) 3. Wales (3) 4. War (1) 5. Warwic (1) |
6. West Indies (2) 7. WI (60) 8. WI or MN (1) 9. Wisconsin (1) 10. World War I (1) |
11. WU (1) 12. WV (2) 13. WY (2) |
1. Yugoslyvia (1) |